Dealing with Various Medical IssuesDealing with Various Medical Issues

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Dealing with Various Medical Issues

Hello, my name is Benny and this is my blog. Suffering from a medical issue or illness can really impact your quality of life. For many years, I had a hard time dealing with my medical problems. I was born with a condition which makes it very difficult for me to eat. This resulted in a number of problems. Thankfully, I have had some great doctors over the years who have made sure I had received the best treatment. I have learnt so much about dealing with a wide range of conditions that I decided I should share my knowledge here.


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A Guide to Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a condition that causes a person's arteries to become blocked by plaque. These blockages make it harder for blood (and the oxygen it carries) to flow through the arteries; this, in turn, means that many of the body's vital organs do not receive the blood supply that they need to fully function. Atherosclerosis can significantly increase a person's risk of developing several serious conditions, including peripheral arterial disease, a stroke, a heart attack or angina. Read More 

3 Prenatal Health Checks Your GP Will Run Before You Try To Conceive

If you're planning to start trying to conceive a baby in the near future, then you may be starting to get yourself fit and healthy in order to increase your chances. Many prospective mums-to-be reduce their alcohol consumption, decrease the number of coffees they drink each day and start taking prenatal vitamin supplements during the lead up to conception. You may assume that the time after you've gotten that incredible positive result on a pregnancy test will be the beginning of the medical care that's involved with having a baby. Read More 

How to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under the Eyes

Dark circles under the eyes can be caused by many different things, including lack of sleep, allergies, dehydration and some health conditions. Regardless of the cause, dark circles can be unattractive and leave you looking tired, washed out and older than your years. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to improve their appearance. Keep in mind that if these don't work, your Dermatologist will come in handy. Cold Compress Read More 

4 Unexpected Places You Must Remember to Check for Skin Cancers

If you love the sun and love your skin, it is important to do some regular checks of your skin to see if you have skin cancers or questionable moles that need monitoring. Unfortunately it's all too easy to miss some of these spots. Here are some places to make sure you check regularly that you might not have expected.  Your scalp Especially if you have short or thinning hair it's important to check your scalp as this area of your body gets a lot of incidental exposure to the sun. Read More